Yes, is time to be sincere: This palace that is the logo of Virtual XVIII century is totally unreal. I like my design but it is no representative of a place of the neapoletan history during the reign of Ferdinando IV of Naples and Two Siciles. Really, the Capodimonte's palace was my inspiration. But is no honest for a project of a History student. No, I must change it, but without drama. At least, I have a positive thing: The experience bulding the mesh, in external editors and into Opensim (using modules, facade, arch, columns, etc). 

At this point, what can I do? Follow a serious criteria. 

1-What I will reproduce? I decided, the palace of Capodimonte (1738), placed actually in the city of Naples, but in his frame time, was a delicious "watchtower" where is possible watch all the city, the Vesuvio volcano, and the inmensity of the Mediterranean sea, a palace totally surrounded of forest to hunt. Today is possible visit the palace's park, but -sign of the times- the city has grew up considerably and Capodimonte seems sieged by contemporary residential buildings. 
If you see to the persons that are walking around, the size of the palace is gigantic. That could be a problem if you uses Opensim, I hope fix it using a megarregion of Diva distro.  

2-How I will reproduce? Creating mesh modules: wall with windows, wall with windows and arch, and three kinds of columns (because is needed use a different design to reproduce the corners).

3-What time I will use to do it? Between this post and the next. Because the mesh is fast!!! 

4-Stetical criteria: Be historically correct.

And now, to start being historically correct, a little of History:
In the picture: Antonio Joli, A view of Naples from the Palace of Capodimonte with the king Ferdinando IV and his court  (wow! exactly the roleplay theme of Virtual XVIII Century, this could something like a snapshot!).

When the first king of Bourbon's Dinasty, Carlo VII (after conquest the Kingdom of Naples with his army against the Holy Empire) came to establish his court in the capital, the old Royal Palace was empty of furniture and very battered. That old palace, later renovated by Carlo and his successors, builded in 1600 by a spanish viceroy, was not the idea of perfect palace to promote the power of a new ruling family. Also, Carlo inherited a huge art collection of his mother's family, the Farnese. Soon was needed a palace to acommodate the collection and the royal court properly. For the new building Carlo elected a green hill dominating one of the most populate capitals of Europe.

The architects Giovanni Antonio Medrano and Antonio Canevari devised a structure worthy, simply and a little militar, like some virtues of the King, a illustrated sovereign obsessed with the order and cleaning of his time.
However, Capodimonte was withing reach of the enemy guns of a navy. The King decided later build another palace far of the coast, in the village of Caserta (1752) and in this last case, a enormous "Versailles", masterwork of the architect Luigi Vanvitelli.
Caserta is famous because is the ideal scenario to film a movie, like Star Wars: the Palpatine's palace was really Caserta.

The king Carlos could not see finished the works of Caserta, because he inherited the kingdom of Spain in 1759. Capodimonte was finished in 1758, then we supose that Carlo only had one year to live far of materials and building workers.  Later, his successor Ferdinando IV completed Capodimonte and Caserta, but that is other history.

Well, I hope finish soon and show you the new mesh!

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